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Programs & Organization

Our goal is to consistently maintain enriching and engaging programs for boys of all ages, and provide these at three levels.


The "First Year" program takes in boys who are either current Webelos scouts or brand new to scouting—generally joining Boy Scouts in the spring of their 5th grade year. This important program is led by an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader who uses Troop Guides--experienced scouts assigned to work directly with our new scouts. "First year scouts" are be assigned to 2-3 temporary “patrols” to be taught the skills and values needed to be successful in the Scouting program.


Youth patrols are active 6th to 8th grade scouts who are led by Patrol Leaders--experienced scouts who are elected by the patrol on a semi-annual basis. These Patrol Leaders are in turn led by a senior leadership patrol of 8-10 scouts that plan and support the youth patrol program. Youth patrols are where scouts start practicing leadership, as they continue to work on scout skills and merit badges, and plan for and participate on outings.


High school scouts are either in the aforementioned Senior Leadership Patrol or will join a patrol of older scouts—the Ranger Scouts. Every effort is made to keep these scouts involved in scouting programs; tailoring programs and activities to their interest level (e.g., auto-maintenance merit badge as they start to drive), while continuing to use their skills and experience to assist with the youth patrols. We are fortunate to have 10th, 11th and 12th graders who continue to be active in our program.

  • There is an active commitment within these ranks to doing high adventure with the BSA programs: every year Troop 1577 scouts (who are 14 and above or finished 8th grade as required by BSA) participate in one of the three BSA programs: Philmont, Sea Base, or Northern Tier, or other programs as they decide.

  • Many of our older scouts also participate in Boy Scout's honorary society "Order of the Arrow" and in Venturing programs--a program for boys and girls age 14 and older.


Active and energetic parental involvement is important but great efforts are taken to make sure that scouts are running their own meetings, organizing themselves on outings, and learning leadership at many levels. The Troop is very lucky to have a large cadre of Assistant Scoutmaster and an active Troop Committee. The Scoutmaster has three Primary Assistant Scoutmasters (PASMs) who are responsible for one of the following program areas: first years, youth patrols, and senior patrols. Additional ASMs support each PASM; each patrol in troop 1577 has its own Patrol Advisor—an ASM that serves as the point of contact, oversees the youth leadership, and assures health and safety of their scouts. The Troop also has several ASMs who focus on older scouts and assist them on the trail to Eagle rank.

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