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Organizing Your Blue Cards

Blue cards fit perfectly in the slots of those nine-pocket transparent plastic binder sheets for collecting baseball trading cards or Pokemon cards. These sheets are available at stores like Office Depot or Walmart, and cost about $6 for 25 sheets. Your Scout can store these cards along with other Scout paperwork in a brightly colored binder that is easy to find, perhaps organized by:

  • completed blue cards

  • in-progress blue cards

  • other cards such as Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Firem’n Chit, Totin’ Chip, Cyber Chip etc.


The pockets are also large enough to store the badge if you are not sewing them to a sash.

We’ll have a future tip on the details of filling out blue cards, but the most important thing is for Scouts to keep them organized because it is a lot of work to re-create them. Sometimes it is impossible to re-create a blue card if the merit badge counselor moves on from volunteering with the troop and loses touch. Scouts need the cards at their Eagle Scout board of review.


If Scouts forget their blue cards when meeting with merit badge counselors, they risk forgetting work that is completed. Bringing a blue card to a meeting is part of being prepared.

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