Awards a Scout Can Earn on the Way to Eagle
There are two awards that you could consider earning at the same time as you are working on the Eagle:
1) Congressional Award
2) Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
These programs have almost the same elements as Eagle. You likely need to do very little additional effort, except register for the program and fill out their paperwork over time. If we have enough Scouts interested in our troop, hopefully a parent can step up to be that advisor. These are great for your resume and they connect you with a community of keen and dynamic human beings.
Congressional Medal (https://www.congressionalaward.org/ - for ages 14-24)
The United States Congress established this award in 1979 to recognize initiative, service, and achievement in young people. It includes four areas of work:
Voluntary Service
Personal Development
Physical Fitness
Expedition or Exploration
There are 6 levels and your efforts are cumulative, meaning the sooner you register, the more likely you can earn the requirements. You cannot backdate activities, so if you think you *might* apply for the award, you should register.
Here in Fairfax County, seven students just earned the Gold Medal - https://www.fcps.edu/news/seven-students-receive-congressional-award-us-....
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (https://usaward.org/ - for ages 14-24)
This award used to be only for people in Commonwealth nations, but it is now available in the United States. This was announced in February’s Boy Scout e-newsletter (https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2018/02/12/duke-of-edinburghs-internat...).
This program has the following areas:
Physical Recreation
Adventurous Journey
Residential Project (Gold Only)
Here is a page about how Scouts can earn this award - https://usaward.org/deliver-the-award-bsa/.